Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wealth Is More Than Money

Wealth is much, much more than money. It is the wealth of love that is the most rewarding form of wealth. Having love of self and love of another in your life is so refreshing and even revealing.

All too often, living in this material world, we get caught up or caught out there, trying to make it happen...working towards making it happen...stressing over when it will happen and what I have found is that if I am in a state of loving bliss and I accept and give thanks for the love that is me and in my life, I am so much better off.

Okay, so I haven't made or earned my first million yet but what is more important. The million or the love so that I can share it when I do get it? I know that it love.

Love is the greater manifestor...the great WOMBnifestor. Love is the ultimate healer...the wayshower...the messenger.

I love the feeling that love brings. It is all encompassing and enegizing. Yes, I love love. It makes me feel so good and because of that I am wealthy beyond measure.

I give thanks!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Miracle Expected


"Today is a day of completion. I give thanks for this perfect day. Miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease." - Florence Shinn

Yes, miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease. As I see it, we and all that we see before us is a miraculous happening. If we see the miracle that is before us, then we can keep a feeling within that helps us to stay on focus and to gain even more clarity about our existence on this planet at this time.

It matters not what you see in this illusion of life that causes you to feel a sense seeming lack and limitation, it matters mostly that you know in your heart that you are a Child of the Universe and the Gifts of the Goddess MA are yours for the asking.

Okay, so sometimes this illusion is so strong that you get thrown off your center. You feel a feeling in the pit of your stomach that says, you are not worthy, you don't deserve, you need to get a real job, any job. Wait! Before you go and do something stupid, like work a job that you know will literally make you sick, stop and pray. Don't think. Just breathe. Be alone with yourself and the Divinity of who you really are and listen to that still small voice that is truly guiding you.

It is when we are just about there. When the door is right in front of our face and for reasons outside of ourselves we stop on our forward motion and we step outside of the Sacred Circle of our Divine Existence.

Believe me, I know that feeling and I'm not the only one.

If you are going to work a job, as you are working towards the manifestation of your heart's desire, then at least try to make it a job that is fulling and in line with what your purpose is.

Don't ever give up on believing in miracles. Expect them and don't limit where or how they will show up in your life.

Give thanks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Message From MA

Breathe in dear child that you may have life and have it more abundantly! The deeper the breathing, the more you will receive in life and of life. Breathe deep...deeper...deeper still. Be still and know the power of love.

What is it that you want, need, desire? What is it that speaks to your heart? What are you born to do? When you stop to breathe deeply, the answers always come.

Do you hear the Voices of Love and Joy speaking to you? Do you feel the energy of the words that are spoken in your language of Love? Do you understand?

Listen closely. Listen very closely. Nature is before you and gives you messages. Observe and remember the essence of who you are!

You are a Divinely Orgasmic WOMBman, vibrating, energizing, being creative every moment that you live. Every breath that you take in and release out again is a creation of all that you are. You are a Magnificent Miracle! Birthing Divinely Inspired Womb Thoughts.

Enjoy the being-ness of who your are...born in this WOMBflesh...give thanks for the journey that you have embarked upon for us all.

You are healing all conditions, you are healing All Relations as you are remembering the True Nature of who you are. This is a wonderful thing. Be happy with who you are, for you are more than you were last time your energy visited this Great Space that you call Earth.

You are me and I am you and we are all together. Breathe my daughter, breathe in all that you see for yourself in this vast Universe. Breathe in the One Song and lift your Soul. Breathe with your Divine Vulva. Deep Divine Orgasmic Breaths. Go ahead create something beautiful!

I love you, always remember that...and thank you for being ME(MasterEnergy).

Birthed 22 January 2008 1:45 AM
Void of Course Moon (Ground and Center)
By Diva Dr. Tonya

Friday, December 14, 2007

GOF - The Island - A Continuing Story

Dearest Mother, as I sit here in the Garden of Possibilities, I am seeing all that is before me and the joy that I feel in my heart is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for creating this beautiful place to come and contemplate the desires of my heart!

What I see in my mind's eye is a life filled with such abundance in all things! I am loved by a most Divine Being in Human Form. I am experiencing financial abundance. Money in the form of cash came in the mail unexpectedly! YES!!! I am so happy about this, because one of the desires of my heart is a win fall, easily and effortlessly...graceful and harmoniously...for the good of all.

You know how you taught us to go back into the realm of childhood fantasy and to create from that point? Well, last week, I ordered a million dollars in ten thousand dollar bills and it arrived yesterday in the mail. I was so excited and still am! First the real cash and then the parallel world money. It is so much fun counting my money and my beloved likes to hold it in his hands. In a joyful state of consciousness I/we continue to create wealth!

I'm looking forward to receiving the gold flakes that I ordered so that I can put some in the blend that I made for bringing more cash money my way. It is a symbol of what the Universe has to offer in the material sense.

The other day when I went to the store, I saw a small replica of a mailbox and it was red. You know that red is the color of action and in Feng Shui, when they give money it is in a red envelope. The first thing that came to mind when I saw the mailbox was, "Checks are coming in the mail!" I bought the mailbox and my beloved blessed it. It sits on the prosperity altar and in it I've put a check for the amount of money that I am expecting as a win fall. This is so much fun! I love having an active Symbolic Shamanic Mind. It helps with the Law of Attraction. It becomes more real to me.

Creating in the parallel world is the best thing that you could have taught me...taught us. All too often, when I visit the "real world" I see so much heartache, so much doubt, so much fear, so much lack. It is good to be able to come back home to the Island of the Goddesses of Fortune and to go into the Garden of Possibilities. This way, I can stay energized to be able to assist those "in the world" as they journey along their path, but only if they are interested.

The more fun I have in the Garden, the more I visit the Garden, the more ecstatic I am and it is in that state of consciousness that I do my best creating.

Oh, yes Mother, I forgot to tell you that I colored a Blissful Mandala the other day. The one I chose to color was about the regenerative powers of the Mother Goddess. It is so pretty and I make sure to surround myself with pretty things all the time. I like to smell good, feel good and look good. YES!!! It helps to WOMBnifest even give birth to even more.

I'm going to go and play some more now Mother and thank you for being there for me all the time...and thank you to all of my SiStars that Hold the Vision of creation!

To be continued...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Storytelling for Manifestation

The energy of the Storyteller is a great one. In Africa they are called Griots and they hold the wisdom of the village, the people in their hearts, minds and spirits.

I have a story that I want to tell. It is the story of women who are manifesting, WOMBnifesting, the desires of their heart with grace and ease.

...and now the story...

On an island in the Atlantic, there is a village of women who live a most blissful life! They are all very beautiful because they are in love with life. They are passionate about living a life filled with beauty and they know that the secret to creating that beauty is to love and want for their SiStar what they want for themselves.

Every Sunday night, they gather together in a Sacred Circle to share stories of what they birthed into existence the week before. They encourage, uplift, and inspire one another to have it all! Love, money, perfect health and all the Divine Desires of their heart.

This is such a powerful SiStarhood, that when they gather, the light shines so brightly because of the energy of their auras. The colors that each woman radiates blends together to make an awesome rainbow and as you there is always great treasure at the end of that rainbow.

What is that treasure? It is the realization that they are one with all things and with every breath, they are creating life...the life that they want and are entitled to by Divine Design.

They realize that they are the treasure and the more they give, the more they receive. It is amazing how this island of women are making a difference not only on their small island but the world at large.

It is easy for them to hold the vision for one another because they understand the power of more than one gathered together and seeing the possibilities.

That's all for now. Come back again in a few days and I will share some more of the Island of the Goddess of Fortune.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Playtime!

Blessings Goddesses!

Oh, what a beautiful day it is! I give thanks! YES!!! As I was contemplating in my prosperity corner this morning, what came to me was the magick of playtime.

When we were little girls, we may have imagined ourselves to be Supergirl or Wonder Woman. Maybe we played house and had elegant tea parties. We may even have imagined ourselves to be the Princess who is rescued by the handsome Prince, gets married and lives happily ever after in a wonderful castle surrounded by love and beauty and lots of riches!

Ah, the good life. *smile*

For a few years now, I have seen where workshops are becoming playshops. The energy is different in that the seriousness is taken out but the lessons are still learned and hopefully applied in one's life.

In the Christian doctrine, it is said that..."In order to enter into the kingdom of heaven you must become as a child." Well, needless to say, children by nature love to play, to pretend, to imagine a life that they really want to live. They imagine the things that they would love to add and with the flip of the wrist or a wave of the magick wand, they create.

My beloved husband read me a passage from the Bible that speaks to this very same energy, the energy of imagination. It spoke of faith and the evidence of things not seen. So, have the faith of a mustard seed and invoke and evoke the mystery and the magick of who you really are...a Child of the Universe.

So, yes, it is playtime! Pull out your Monopoly Money and play with COUNTING money. If you don't have Monopoly Money but you have some other play money then use that. If you don't have either one, then just imagine COUNTING off the amount of money that you want for the day and tithe it, invest it, spend it! Have fun pretending.

"Imagination is more powerful than intellect." Albert Einstein

Think it. Say it. Write it...into existence.

Dress up for the day. Feel opulent. Feel wealthy. Feel joyous and blissful. You are working with energy and energy is all that there really is.

Go...wish upon the first star you see tonight. Remember the joy of childhood.

Have a fun filled day of WOMBnifesting magick into your life!

We'll talk about this more on The Call this coming Sunday. Do you want to play?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Confirmation

Blessings Goddesses!

Talk about a confirmation! Let me begin in this our home, we have a give away basket that it filled with goodies for those who are first time visitors or those who have not been to our home for a long time. They get to choose something to take home from the basket and if it is in a box, they can't look in it until they leave...or they can actually choose something that is visible.

Anyway, last week, we went to a metaphysical bookstore in Sandy Springs and as we were leaving, I saw a box on the floor that had printed on it, "The items in this box are free. Take one." Well I was totally surprised and happy to see that.

So, I looked into the box and saw a water fountain. The book clerk said that it was a Lakshmi fountain. As you know, Lakshmi is the Goddess that is the "mascot" of Goddesses of Fortune. Needless to say, that was what I brought home with me from the give away box. She needed slight repair, one of her petals in the back was chipped.

She now sits in the main prosperity corner of our home, splashing water upon the coins in Her fountain. I give thanks.

What that told me, was that I am doing the right thing. I give thanks!

And to top it off, I bought a Money Tree and was gifted with another one, so now, I have two Money Trees! Another confirmation. I am forever grateful!

I enjoy visiting my prosperity corner daily and WOMBnifesting my heart's desire! A few tips: Keep the energy high and clear, ring a bell, clap your hands, sing a song, dance a dance and remember to be forever joyful, no matter what it looks like at present. You are creating and imagining a new life each and every minute of the day! Go to your corner and be in your center!