Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Confirmation

Blessings Goddesses!

Talk about a confirmation! Let me begin in this manner...in our home, we have a give away basket that it filled with goodies for those who are first time visitors or those who have not been to our home for a long time. They get to choose something to take home from the basket and if it is in a box, they can't look in it until they leave...or they can actually choose something that is visible.

Anyway, last week, we went to a metaphysical bookstore in Sandy Springs and as we were leaving, I saw a box on the floor that had printed on it, "The items in this box are free. Take one." Well I was totally surprised and happy to see that.

So, I looked into the box and saw a water fountain. The book clerk said that it was a Lakshmi fountain. As you know, Lakshmi is the Goddess that is the "mascot" of Goddesses of Fortune. Needless to say, that was what I brought home with me from the give away box. She needed slight repair, one of her petals in the back was chipped.

She now sits in the main prosperity corner of our home, splashing water upon the coins in Her fountain. I give thanks.

What that told me, was that I am doing the right thing. I give thanks!

And to top it off, I bought a Money Tree and was gifted with another one, so now, I have two Money Trees! Another confirmation. I am forever grateful!

I enjoy visiting my prosperity corner daily and WOMBnifesting my heart's desire! A few tips: Keep the energy high and clear, ring a bell, clap your hands, sing a song, dance a dance and remember to be forever joyful, no matter what it looks like at present. You are creating and imagining a new life each and every minute of the day! Go to your corner and be in your center!

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