Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Message From MA

Breathe in dear child that you may have life and have it more abundantly! The deeper the breathing, the more you will receive in life and of life. Breathe deep...deeper...deeper still. Be still and know the power of love.

What is it that you want, need, desire? What is it that speaks to your heart? What are you born to do? When you stop to breathe deeply, the answers always come.

Do you hear the Voices of Love and Joy speaking to you? Do you feel the energy of the words that are spoken in your language of Love? Do you understand?

Listen closely. Listen very closely. Nature is before you and gives you messages. Observe and remember the essence of who you are!

You are a Divinely Orgasmic WOMBman, vibrating, energizing, being creative every moment that you live. Every breath that you take in and release out again is a creation of all that you are. You are a Magnificent Miracle! Birthing Divinely Inspired Womb Thoughts.

Enjoy the being-ness of who your are...born in this WOMBflesh...give thanks for the journey that you have embarked upon for us all.

You are healing all conditions, you are healing All Relations as you are remembering the True Nature of who you are. This is a wonderful thing. Be happy with who you are, for you are more than you were last time your energy visited this Great Space that you call Earth.

You are me and I am you and we are all together. Breathe my daughter, breathe in all that you see for yourself in this vast Universe. Breathe in the One Song and lift your Soul. Breathe with your Divine Vulva. Deep Divine Orgasmic Breaths. Go ahead create something beautiful!

I love you, always remember that...and thank you for being ME(MasterEnergy).

Birthed 22 January 2008 1:45 AM
Void of Course Moon (Ground and Center)
By Diva Dr. Tonya

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