Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Storytelling for Manifestation

The energy of the Storyteller is a great one. In Africa they are called Griots and they hold the wisdom of the village, the people in their hearts, minds and spirits.

I have a story that I want to tell. It is the story of women who are manifesting, WOMBnifesting, the desires of their heart with grace and ease.

...and now the story...

On an island in the Atlantic, there is a village of women who live a most blissful life! They are all very beautiful because they are in love with life. They are passionate about living a life filled with beauty and they know that the secret to creating that beauty is to love and want for their SiStar what they want for themselves.

Every Sunday night, they gather together in a Sacred Circle to share stories of what they birthed into existence the week before. They encourage, uplift, and inspire one another to have it all! Love, money, perfect health and all the Divine Desires of their heart.

This is such a powerful SiStarhood, that when they gather, the light shines so brightly because of the energy of their auras. The colors that each woman radiates blends together to make an awesome rainbow and as you there is always great treasure at the end of that rainbow.

What is that treasure? It is the realization that they are one with all things and with every breath, they are creating life...the life that they want and are entitled to by Divine Design.

They realize that they are the treasure and the more they give, the more they receive. It is amazing how this island of women are making a difference not only on their small island but the world at large.

It is easy for them to hold the vision for one another because they understand the power of more than one gathered together and seeing the possibilities.

That's all for now. Come back again in a few days and I will share some more of the Island of the Goddess of Fortune.


Althea said...

I love it!! Thank you Dr. Tonya. I look forward to reading the rest of the story.


Goddesses of Fortune Inspirational Facilitator said...

Thank YOU dear SiStar for sharing you comment. I do apprecite it. I am inspired even moreso. Give thanks!