Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Playtime!

Blessings Goddesses!

Oh, what a beautiful day it is! I give thanks! YES!!! As I was contemplating in my prosperity corner this morning, what came to me was the magick of playtime.

When we were little girls, we may have imagined ourselves to be Supergirl or Wonder Woman. Maybe we played house and had elegant tea parties. We may even have imagined ourselves to be the Princess who is rescued by the handsome Prince, gets married and lives happily ever after in a wonderful castle surrounded by love and beauty and lots of riches!

Ah, the good life. *smile*

For a few years now, I have seen where workshops are becoming playshops. The energy is different in that the seriousness is taken out but the lessons are still learned and hopefully applied in one's life.

In the Christian doctrine, it is said that..."In order to enter into the kingdom of heaven you must become as a child." Well, needless to say, children by nature love to play, to pretend, to imagine a life that they really want to live. They imagine the things that they would love to add and with the flip of the wrist or a wave of the magick wand, they create.

My beloved husband read me a passage from the Bible that speaks to this very same energy, the energy of imagination. It spoke of faith and the evidence of things not seen. So, have the faith of a mustard seed and invoke and evoke the mystery and the magick of who you really are...a Child of the Universe.

So, yes, it is playtime! Pull out your Monopoly Money and play with COUNTING money. If you don't have Monopoly Money but you have some other play money then use that. If you don't have either one, then just imagine COUNTING off the amount of money that you want for the day and tithe it, invest it, spend it! Have fun pretending.

"Imagination is more powerful than intellect." Albert Einstein

Think it. Say it. Write it...into existence.

Dress up for the day. Feel opulent. Feel wealthy. Feel joyous and blissful. You are working with energy and energy is all that there really is.

Go...wish upon the first star you see tonight. Remember the joy of childhood.

Have a fun filled day of WOMBnifesting magick into your life!

We'll talk about this more on The Call this coming Sunday. Do you want to play?

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