Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Marvelous Task!

Blessings Goddesses!

As I sit here creating a blog that I may share with you the thoughts of the Goddesses of Fortune, those Goddesses that I am allowing to come through my mind, heart and Spirit, those Goddesses called Lakshmi, Oshun, Het Heru, Abundantia, Dana, Damara, Gaia, MA, all being one in the same but called by different names, I am feeling an energy of closeness.

For me it is healing to know that no matter what things look like, it is the All Mighty Universe, that feeds me, clothes, me, shelters me as I walk the path of my destiny. I give thanks!

The reason for me starting a YahooGroup called Goddesses of Fortune was because I needed to change my direction. I needed to heal my relationship to money and I know that there are others that are in that same place.

Money is just one aspect of being wealthy. It is an illusion but so real in this matrix that we live in. The energy of money has roots in the Roman Goddess Juno Moneta. She was the Guardian of the gold of when we speak the word money, we are actually calling the name of Juno Moneta. As Barbara Wilder says Money is Love.

Since She is the Guardian, respect is Her due.

Sometimes, because this illusion is so very real, that we of course created, we become anxious, angry, hurt, saddened, and maybe even overwhelmed when the flow is low. Believe me, I know, I've been there and it is upon me again. Oh well, such is life for the moment.

Okay, so it is said that we are a direct reflection of all that we attract. We call in these various things in order to heal, at least that is what I believe. So, I am ready to heal my finances. I want Oprah money so that I too can give more to assist others to their greatness. There are so many talented, gifted people who are experiencing a slow cash flow and working so hard to make ends meet.

I see too many Elders who are experiencing such financial challenges and this should not be, at least not in my mind or my Spirit. One day, I will be their age and I am working towards being in a different place financially at that time.

I am a talented, gifted, intelligent woman. I deserve to have an affluent life. I am worthy of that because I am a Child of the Universe and She is Abundant! Besides, I'm truly on a mission.

It is said that we teach what we need to know more about. Of course the teacher is always the best student because they must study more in order to share more. This expands their mind and their experiences. For me, it will expand my Spirit even more. I give thanks!

So, there is more that I need to know about the energy of money. Okay, I'm ready and I'm ready to share my experiences with others because no matter how little money I may have had in my pocket or bank account, I never felt poor. That is a word that is not in my vocabulary. That is not my mindset. Never was and never will be. I've always had big dreams and I'm not about to stop now!

What I have found in life is this, "It's not what you go through but how you go through it." That was something that came to me a few years ago when I was going through a major transition.

That was the time when I said, "Okay MA, if I have to let everything go in order to do your work, then so be it." Well, why did I say that!? Cause not too long after that, I lost home and business, classes came to a close and I was low on funds. Ooops. LOL Won't be saying that again.

But out of that came some wonderful things. I knew who my SiStarfriends really were. The ones who loved me unconditionally without judgement. I became involved in a relationship that is the best thing that could have happened to me as far as having a man in my life. He is perfect for me. I give thanks!

Now, here I find myself at a point in my life where I feel the BIG MONEY getting ready to manifest and stuff is happening to make me feel like I won't get it. It's like being on the edge of success, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and feeling like something is trying to hold you back. Okay, I'm going to let myself go :-)

I am working my way towards the manifestation of my life's work in a more magnificent way. I know this. I don't think it. I feel it in my gut. I know that I am doing the right thing and yes, it could use some more refining. I'm open.

So, guess what? MA has given me an assignment and I gladly accept. Beginning this Sunday, I will be hosting my first tele-gathering, phone conference, whatever is the accepted terminology and it is Goddesses of Fortune - The Call. It is time for me to share my story on a broader scale. Maybe, just maybe, I can inspire someone to keep on going, to not give up, to accept the beauty of who they are, to be at one with things but to be encouraged to continue moving forward and never giving up.

Yes, I have accepted this mission of "Inspiring Women to Greater Wealth" because I know that I am not the only one that could use a great support system as I "go to my destiny."

I am going to share my story, beginning tonight. I'll be interviewed by a SiStar about Goddesses of Fortune and what the purpose is. I look forward to this...and the Ancestral Mothers speak.

As I share, I am inspired. As I heal, you heal. As you heal, I heal. I'm so ready. As a Baby Boomer, I ain't gettin no younger, but I am getting smarter and I have some very good mentors, so I know it's gonna be all right. Heck, it already is in the reality of the Spirit World.

I am re-creating my life every second of the day. I give thanks. Everyone and everything is a golden link in my chain of good. I know this and that is including all who do not agree with how I do things or who are thinking that I'm a loser. LOL, no way am I a loser. I may be down but I ain't out!

Mother guide me, that I may do the work that I was born to do with grace and ease. Continue to bless me with wisdom that I may be the best that I can be. Bless all those who are within my sphere for they are a blessing to me.

Allow me to forgive myself for all of my so called transgressions. Allow me to love myself so very much that I would never hurt myself in any way, shape, form or fashion. Give me strength dear Mother, you who are nurturer for all that is before me, testing my resolve. I give thanks that I pass these tests with the highest score possible and that I please My Self!

In the Spirit of Success!


Unknown said...

This is so remarkable, Tonya. You are telling it like it is. You are aware in a deep deep way. You are the daughter of Ma. My son always calls me Ma. I'm so grateful for him. I'm so grateful for sistars like you on this amazing path toward reconnecting to our true wealth. A Brazilian rabbi named Nilton Bonder interprets a line from the Talmud. "True wealth is abundance that does not create scarcity." This is what the Great Mother knows and what the human race has forgotten. A good mother gives equally to all her children. There is no scarcity when all the children are well fed and well loved. Hold my dream dear sistar as I hold yours and we will together with all our sistars open the flow of "True Wealth" into our lives and the lives of all.
Blessings on this Thanksgiving weekend.

Goddesses of Fortune Inspirational Facilitator said...

Blessings My SiStar!

It is so good to read the words that you have placed upon my blog. I give thanks for the encouragement and the confirmation!

TOGETHER we hold the dream of DIVINE ORDER in our lives and the world at large. TOGETHER we CREATE great financial wealth that we may assist others to their greatness!

Thank you for the blessings. Back atcha'!